Nisargadatta Quote 2
Nisargadatta Quote 2 I Am That : Item 8 M: The Self stands beyond the mind, aware, but unconcerned. Q: How to reach it? M: You are the Self, here and now Leave the...
Great Guidance for Life and Meditation
Nisargadatta Quote 2 I Am That : Item 8 M: The Self stands beyond the mind, aware, but unconcerned. Q: How to reach it? M: You are the Self, here and now Leave the...
Nisargadatta Quote 1 I Am That : Item 72 Maharaj: Whenever a thought or emotion of desire or fear comes to your mind, just turn away from it. Questioner: By suppressing my thoughts and...
Real World is Beyond the Mind Questioner: On several occasions the question was raised as to whether the universe is subject to the law of causation, or does it exist and function outside the...
Let come what comes, Let go what goes Questioner: As I can see, there is nothing wrong with my body nor with my real being. Both are not of my making and need...
Desire and Fear are based on Memories Questioner: We shall repeat the question we began with: between life’s source and life’s expression (which is the body), there is the mind and its ever-changeful...
You give no attention to your Self Questioner: Maharaj, you are sitting in front of me and I am here at your feet. What is the basic difference between us? Maharaj: There is...
The sense of I Am Questioner: It is a matter of daily experience that on waking up the world suddenly appears. Where does it come from? Maharaj: Before anything can come into being...